Monday, April 19, 2010

Take Two Chocolates and Call Me in the Morning

I bought this book when I went to Time Out for Women after I heard Emily Watts speak. She was hilarious and down to earth - reminded me a bit of Mary Ellen Edmunds, and I wanted something fun to read. Obviously, it's taken me a while to get to this one, but I found it was just the book I needed at the time.

Emily is a working mom, but that doesn't mean the book will have no application for the stay at home moms. If we are being honest, both are kindof both anyway. She talks about ways to manage a crazy busy life, how to balance what mom wants and what kids need. I loved her stories, laughed out loud on more than one occasion. Her life lessons were perfect. I also loved how she has had body image issues that she has battled her whole life. There are very, VERY few people I know who look in the mirror each day and say, "Thank you Lord for this perfect body that I would not change one bit." I love the way Emily deals with this topic and so many others.

This book is broken up into chapters in such a way that you could choose to read the book in order or jump around from chapter to chapter as your whim dictates. I am having a hard time right now thinking of a woman who I know reads this blog that this book wouldn't be good for. It isn't brain taxing - a nice book to read before falling asleep and ending the day on a good note. Best when read with a little chocolate...


Harmony said...

Can I borrow it? I'll supply my own chocolate. :-)

Tasha said...

Absolutely - I'll get it to you when you are down next or I hear someone is coming up your way...