HOWEVER, I'm looking forward. Summer. It's got to happen eventually. And I'm planning on a FUN summer this year. No stress, no showing a house, no taking 30 minutes just to get to and from swim lessons (not counting time at swim lessons). Fun.
Then I found two new blogs.
But before I tell you about them, I have to ask - how's your diet? Fitness? Overall feeling about your well-being? Because the two blogs I'm about to share may send your best intentions and all your will power in a downward spiral at mach speed.
Willing to take the risk? Okay.
The first one is Confessions of a Cookbook Queen.

Cute huh! She makes a frozen cream pie on a stick
and these
and these.
Have I told you about my weakness for Almond Joy bars? I LOVE them. Add this? I can't wait!!! And this is only three of the things from her site. Seriously, plan an hour or two to drool and dream about chocolatey cupcakey sweet deliciousness.
Second, have you heard of this book?
I recently saw this at a friends house and probably spent 30 minutes just looking at the food in it. It's amazing! And the best part is the ingredients are things that you actually have had in your house at one point in time or another AND know where to buy it again! I know - revolutionary really. This is totally a wish list topper for me.
Then add to my excitement when I discovered these lovely ladies have a blog - where they post more deliciousness on a regular basis.
I'm pretty much in heaven right now. Today's feature was this
You may have a hard time dreaming about this right now, but fast forward a little bit - think of kids, sprinklers, pools, ballgames and dream with me.
But if you are a chocoholic like me - look at this!!!
Yes, that is a chocolate chip cookie PIE!!! Seriously.
I plan to cook my way through the summer. I've recently started dabbling in Thai food, thanks to some ingredients and recipes from my sister-in-law as a Christmas gift and I'm SICK of the food I've been making over and over lately, so I'm going to try, test, keep or toss and cook all summer.
Doesn't that sound like FUN!!!