Some of you who read this blog I know also read my friend/cousin Charlotte's blog too. There are also a few of you who read this that are co-workers or live in Cedar, so you may know this already, but I'm going to brag about my dad a little.
My dad is someone who likes to find ways to honor or help people whenever he can. That is why many people in Cedar are in houses, him working with them and letting them do some of the work so they can get in cheaper. He has this reputation of being a tough guy - which he is - but he has a HUGE heart.
So when he found out that his cousin, Dr. Coach (aka Charlotte's dad) had cancer, he wanted to do something to show his support. When some people get this disease, they can be assisted with money or fundraisers or community events, etc. But there are some people who just have their lives too much together to have any need for this sort of thing. So my dad had to do some thinking, and found inspiration from a newspaper article that was posted in the local paper (you can read about this in detail at here)

You may know by now where this is going. My dad decided it would be appropriate to sport the same hairstyle as Coach Corry. But, being a teacher at CHS, he needed to add a little flair, and at the last pep assembly he told me he was going to get it shaved.
He gave a little speech about why he was doing it, sat down and one of the cheerleaders started shaving away his hair. I laughed, watched for a minute, and had a lightbulb moment. When else does a daughter get the chance to rid her father of all his hair?
Opportunity presented.
I walked over, the cheerleader gave up the responsibility eagerly and I got to help my dad honor Dr. Coach. In case you were wondering, it was a bit nerve wracking, but lots of fun.
My dad extended the invitation to any of the faculty who wanted to join and Art Clark (the French teacher) jumped in (and he had a lot more hair than my dad did - shaved his head too)
I think he really likes it.
(That is his office at the school which so proudly displays his various prizes (from left to right), tail - cougar hide that he got 3-4 years ago, his caribou from I think 10 or so years ago and his turkey from about a year ago)
I had no idea this had happened.
Once again, Coach Decker shows the kind of class act that he is. What a gem.
Tasha, thank you for telling this story--it made my day.
Awesome, and fun for you! Did he have an itchy neck for the rest of the day though?
Thank you for posting this. My day is brighter because of it.
Your dad sounds like a very neat person! How awesomw!
Thanks Tasha!! This is VERY nice of you!!!
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