She currently is self-employed - teaching about 50 piano students a week (that's 25 hours of listening to the piano a week!!!)
She cooks dinner for 14 or so people at least once a month when we are all there.
In the last 10 years, she made four wedding dresses, two blessing gowns, all the bridesmaid skirts for three of the weddings, four wedding cakes, refreshments for the receptions, centerpieces for the weddings, watched toddlers when siblings were being born, babysat my kids when I did my student teaching, canned a ridiculous amount of salsa and chicken, etc.
Then, in her "spare" time, she makes pieced quilts that she just gives to people.
Or a full blown wedding cake just for a young women's activity.
Or cutting, rounding and polishing little pieces of granite to give to all the young women at girl's camp one year.
Or feeding the entire varsity basketball team ribs, etc. for lunch on two separate occasions.
I get seriously anxiety over the prospect of someone in my ward meeting her because they will see what she can do and think I can do that too.
I can't crochet - I've been taught more times that I can remember.
I can't quilt - I think I set the world record for bending more needles in any amount of time.
And I really can't make this.

This was the cake she made Thursday night for Ryan because every year the top ten candidates for most preferred* make a cake to have it auctioned off at school as a fund raiser for Mohey Tawa (our high school drill team who incidently took 2nd at state this year).
Yea, she made that in one night.
That's just ridiculous.
*Most Preferred is kindof the way to equal out the awards given at dances. The boys all have to do a skit in front of the student body and present their cakes.
That is one cool cake.
That cake is awesome! I can't even frost a plain cake. There's no way I could do that! Your mom sounds like an amazing woman!
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