This is a story about a girl Creel whose parents have died and whose aunt comes up with the idea that if Creel is being held captive by a dragon, some fair prince will have to come save her, fall in love (even if she is self-described as plain, not fair) and the whole family will be rich. Creel thinks it's a stupid idea, negotiates with the dragon to avoid all the fuss and moves on to the future she has envisioned for herself, owning her own dress shop where she can adorn dresses with her custom embroidery. The negotiations involve some slippers, which are unusual yet comfortable; but, as Creel soon finds out, they have a power she didn't know possible.
I really couldn't put this book down and I couldn't read it fast enough. It was exciting, completely believable, well written and overall super fun. Once my kids get a little more advanced in their reading, I will make sure they read this. It will be of very high interest to girls...boys could probably get into it but there is a bit of girly talk about boys, so maybe not. Either way, it was LOTS of fun to read. I am off to see if our library has the sequels - hope so and hope they're as good.
Happy Birthday. . . .
Hopefully in all your hours of reading on June 17th, you'll have time to enjoy your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all the family and many many more!
You really are flying with all these books you're reading. Do you own all these, or do you check them out from the library?
I'm borrowing them from the library - I tend to buy them when I'm reading them during the school year because I can't read them fast enough to get them back in two weeks and it drives me crazy to have to renew - everyone has their own little OCD thing...that's one of mine :)
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