I was not disappointed.
One of the fun things about these books is they are told from Alcatraz's point of view, but along with that are asides and little comments that had me laughing out loud numerous times during this book.
Alcatraz is continuing on his journey and is supposed to go to a safe place when he realizes his grandfather is in trouble and decides to turn the plane around and go save him. Well, actually, it's not a plane but the Dragonaut, a glass structure that flies and has six wings that propel it. Bastille is still there, rolling her eyes at the ridiculous things Alcatraz says and there is great adventure and a well developed story in addition to all the comments that are really, really funny.
This is a YA book - not because of content or inappropriateness of the storyline, but because all the satire and sarcastic asides would not be understood by children and the story would be lost.
But my high school students who read this loved it more than the first - several even reread it a couple times. I definitely agree the second is better. And truly I can't wait for the third in the fall.
(Not sure this pace of reading is going to keep up - the next few books I have planned to read are hard pressed to be in a day reads. Coming Next? The second Mysterious Benedict society book!)
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