What some people may or may not know is I really love poetry as well. Really, really love it. I adore the feeling of taking a piece of poetry and work through it and really understand it. I love going back to it again and again, looking at the imagery, appreciating the line breaks, the amazing choice of words - you get the picture.
What does this have to do with you? Well, the poems that I have really grown to love over the years will be featured here. I figure you are more likely to read a poem if it is posted on a blog than if I were to just tell you to go here (but if you are interested, they are emailing a poem a day during April). And, if you are like me, sometimes it is nice to have direction if you are experiencing something new instead of being overwhelmed by the thousands of something someone loves.
How often will this happen? Who knows. Chances are pretty decent that during the week of April 19, pretty often because I have to administer end of level tests, stay in the room for 87 minutes at a time but do pretty much nothing. And that is the week I'm set to defend my thesis so I'll need some escapism (Why am I nervous? No clue. I did a good job. It'll be fine...it'll be fine...it'll be fine...)
Tied in with this, I have been wanting for the last few years to go back and really spend some time with Mr. Eliot (T. S. that is - notice the initials?) So I'm going to work through The Wasteland off and on through this month. It's a doozy, and I studied it once before, but that was before I had kids and forgot where part of my brain went. (Tiana, if you are reading this I may be coming to you to see if you have more of your brain left that I do...:)
If you have a favorite poem, please let me know in the comments and I'll add it to the mix. Or feature it on your blog. Either way, it should be some nerdy poetic fun.
Hah! No chance that I have much of my brain left at all these days. Maybe once I start getting more than 2 hours of sleep at a stretch.
Looking forward to reading your poems, though!
Oohhh! I have a few favorites. One of them is "Traveling Through the Dark" by William Stafford, and another is D.C. Berry's "On Reading Poems to a Senior Class at South High"
Well-known, but still one of my all-time favorites, is "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening," by Robert Frost.
I'm looking forward to whatever you post. I enjoy poetry too, but rarely take the time to read and explore it.
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