I have heard several times, and generally referring to physical health and long lives, that mom's just need to realize that they are doing the greatest service for their children in making sure that they themselves are happy. The problem comes when happiness lies in different aspects and activities.
I have recently discovered that eventhough I'm awake from 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning until 10:00 or so at night, I still can't find all the time in the day to do what is really important to me.

I love hearing my kids read to me (each at their own level of "reading" of course) and I'm thrilled that Ellie can read almost all of her new favorite book, Eric Carle's ABC and Will has been reading Revolutionary War on Wednesday to me (which blows me away). Then Ellie and Will both practice the piano, we eat dinner, do a load or two of laundry, maybe go on a walk or hit the park, then it's baths, homework and bed. And

frankly, by the time I get my kids in bed, I am usually tapped out. I would love to have that hour to read if I could just figure out how to stay awake...
I know that there is a time and a season for everything, but I do have to admit my jealousy when I hear of the other English teachers who get to go home and read for an hour or two. But I don't want to not have that play time with my kids, so I wait to read. I have started reading bits and pieces here and there while I'm cooking dinner, but after watching an enlightening episode of Good Eats last night I have since decided that I need to get my kids cooking with me when I cook. Granted, Ellie already gets all kinds of experience by helping me make cookies at least once a week, but there is something to be said for kids helping make dinner to learn an appreciation for dinner. Something I think I will be pondering over the next day or two.
So I guess the point of this whole post wasn't just to ramble on for no reason at all, but to realize that I still haven't figured out how to integrate everything into my life and stay awake to do it all. It's a battle for sure, and all up hill.
Here's a short poem I found years ago that you might appreciate.
On Choosing a Vocation
by Val Camenish Wilcox
For the eager intellects,
The learners with more interests than hours,
Promises to be
Heaven indeed.
New Era, Oct. 1978, 50
P.S. My boys like the Magic Tree House books too.
I agree...I just hope there are lots of books in heaven...hmm, I have images of heavenly libraries with the lovely rolling ladders and comfy leather couches with fleece blankets.
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