They mix Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring with I'm Trying to be Like Jesus, jazz up Give Said the Little Spring, did an arrangement of If You Tell One Lie from the Standin' Tall series and my favorite is the last dozen or so tracks with a very short intermingling of the words to Once There Was a Snowman with the likes of So I Married an Axe Murderer, Who Let the Dogs Out, Ghost Riders in the Sky, Sound of Silence (Simon and Garfunkel), etc. And then there is their arrangement of Popcorn Poppin' mixed with the music of Sing, Sing, Sing With a Swing. It is hands down the most entertaining kids (or parents who aren't convinced they aren't kids) CD that I have heard in a LONG time and I just saw they released another. If you are at all interested, you can listen to samples of the songs here.
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