The adventures of an avid reading, English teaching, delightfully married mom of three
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ella Enchanted

Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Girl with the Pearl Earring

I liked this book. It is the story of a girl who must help provide for her family and becomes a maid six days a week for a wealthier family. Her master is a painter, her mistress is less than fond of her and she is to assist in caring for their children while tending to her chores. This is her story.
I really liked this book. It isn't a hard read and I think that it would even be enjoyable to teens. It is a good depiciton of a different society, and I would even look into some of her other works. Not a book that I would call amazing, but it was a fun escape read - slightly above brain candy level I would say. I hear the movie is really good too, but movies created about books that I have read have been more disappointing than not.
On to Ella Enchanted - I love summers. :)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

The premise is okay, and I really think could have been a really great story, but there are a few problems. First, the language is so inflated that the age group who probably still plays with stuffed toys or has a beloved doll could not follow the story. It could possibly work as a read aloud, but again, I still just don't know that there would be many kids who would enjoy it. It seems very much like a children's book that adults were meant to read. And there is nothing wrong with that but it is just a story. I think it was meant to evoke great emotion and memories, but for me, it was just a story. Read it if you want. It's not bad, it's just a story.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Book Thief

First of all, it is told from Death's point of view (and no, he doesn't carry a scythe - he says so himself). There is enough of an mix in of German words that the reader remembers all the characters really do speak German, even if we read it in English. The plot is addicting, carries some twists, leads you believe you know what is going to happen only to show you don't. I lost a decent amount of sleep one night because I just did not want to stop reading this book.
But the thing that I still marvel at, and haven't had an encounter with before, is the way things are described and the presence of color imagery in a way I never really thought about before. There is a little bit of swearing in this book, probably not more than a ball game outside of a church, but the story is amazing. This is definitely a YA book, one that at least some of our freshmen at the school will be reading next year, and I can't wait for them, or you, to experience it.
On a side note, we just got back from getting each of the kids their own library card - I grabbed three books myself. Let the summer of reading begin!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Kids in Slumber
Most of the time when I walk in Will's room, he is in some variation of this.
But the funniest was the night I walked in and found Catie like this.
She was given this hat by Ellie who got it from a teacher at the school. I think she likes it.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Why I love to teach
Monday, May 18, 2009
School's (almost) Out For Summer!!!
I have come to realize more than ever that under no uncertain circumstances do I want anything to do with administration because when their whinefest doesn't work on the teachers, they always try to have our administrators change - go over our heads. Never works, but those are some long hours listening to all that whining.
This also means that we are in full fledged busy mode, with many more experiences like this in the next month or so.
We just finished this, for a few months anyway.
I get to hear Catie ask if she can have a "pop-ik-skul" all summer long - sometimes even several times a day.
And of course, I get to see this more often :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Thursday, May 14, 2009
100 Random Things About Me
1. I have known my husband since 2nd grade.
2. As a child, I had three black labs at different points all named Molly.
3. One of my Molly’s had a litter of puppies who I named after all the characters of Gilligan’s Island.
4. When I was four, I thought a prairie dog was a bear.
5. I have been playing the piano since I was four.
6. I memorized “The Animals of Farmer Jones” when I was two.
7. I also memorized when to turn the pages so it looked like I could read.
8. I am married to a man with the same name as a southern Utah town and an Bible prophet.
9. I would rather watch a football game than a chick flick.
10. As a university student, I have had a baby in the middle of a semester twice.
11. I competed in seven pageants during two years.
12. I love the smell of rain.
13. My first car was a Pontiac Grand Am.
14. My husband and I bought a car together before we were officially engaged.
15. All three of my kids were born in March.
16. I lost two pregnancies and neither had the due date in March.
17. I broke my hand while playing basketball.
18. I grew so fast my knee caps used to slip.
19. I love the smell of old, but not moldy, leather books.
20. I am an inch taller than my husband.
21. My husband and I spent the first four months of our relationship trying to not marry each other.
22. I have passed half the songs in Guitar Hero on the hard level.
23. I CAN NOT play video games that require steering.
24. I was taller than my mom half way through 6th grade.
25. I hate to run.
26. I love to ride a bike.
27. I have helped pour concrete, sheet roofs and install windows and doors on several homes.
28. I took a semester of Russian – got an F. (My professor was Russian and spent the whole time calling us stupid Americans)
29. I took a semester of Latin – got an A (same semester I had my first child).
30. I like the music in my car to be loud enough to feel the sound.
31. My music is rarely that loud when my kids are with me.
32. I have never had any desire to get drunk.
33. I love going to plays
34. I have dated guys of three different ethnicities from myself.
35. I love cheesecake ice cream, especially if it has brownies in it.
36. I have moved 11 times in 9 ½ years of marriage.
37. I hate the sound of the phone ringing.
38. When I am bored, I sketch house plans.
39. I played the clarinet for seven years.
40. I was in Symphonic Band all through high school.
41. I love to go fishing.
42. I hate to bait the worm.
43. I despise creatures with more than four legs.
44. I loathe any animal with less than two legs and no gills.
45. I have appeared as the Virgin Mary in numerous paintings.
46. I love to workout but only in the morning.
47. If is could come back as an animal, I would be a snow owl.
48. My first kiss was six weeks before I graduated from high school.
49. I listen to talk radio on the way to work in the morning.
50. I have a to do list of operations I would like to have.
51. My husband and I had our first kiss the night before his girlfriend got home off her mission.
52. I can feel the weight of nail polish if I paint my fingernails.
53. I love to sleep on my stomach.
54. I get some of my best ideas in the shower or when I’m blowing my hair dry.
55. I point out attractive women to get my husband’s opinion.
56. I like to look at sports cars but not ride in them.
57. Just watching roller coasters makes me nauseous.
58. If I ever get cancer, I plan on shaving my own head and getting my hair made into a wig.
59. I don’t have any white walls in my house.
60. I will do anything in my power to avoid throwing up.
61. I HATE to cry.
62. I love to buy shoes, but kick them off when I get the chance.
63. When I lose my voice, sometimes I sound like Marge Simpson.
64. I consider country music the illegitimate child of the blues.
65. I hate to go to bed by myself so I will fall asleep on the couch next to my husband until he is ready for bed - unless I fall asleep reading a book.
66. Red roses ALWAYS make me happy.
67. Based on looks alone, I could marry Jason Statham.
68. I never met a fish I didn’t like….to eat.
69. I really enjoy the Lego video games (Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman – want to try Lego Indiana Jones)
70. I like to watch golf with my husband.
71. I can carry on a conversation about the happenings in the NFL with the best of them.
72. My kids are all named after monarchs (William, Elizabeth and Catherine)
73. I want to become a published novelist someday.
74. I love chocolate, but drinking hardly any hot chocolate makes me feel sick
75. I write a short review of all the books I read.
76. I love watches, but they have to have a big face and leather bands – I currently have them in pink, red, white, black and brown.
77. I’m incredibly competitive – threw a whole deck of Phase 10 cards at my husband when he beat me by two phases after we got married.
78. If I had all the money in the world, I would have a library with floor to wall bookshelves all in leather bound books.
79. I do most of my clothes shopping online.
80. I’m enjoying the process of learning how to golf.
81. I would keep going to school forever if I could.
82. I would rather chat or text someone than talk to them on the phone.
83. I listen to a classical radio station during the day that is broadcast over the Internet from England.
84. When I was studying the author John Milton, my husband tell people I was out with my boyfriend, John.
85. I love the sound of bagpipes playing old traditional tunes – gives me cold chills every time.
86. If I could convince our family to follow us, I would move back to the Seattle area in a heartbeat.
87. My mom has tried to teach my how to crochet several times, but I never can get it – not sure I really want to.
88. I re-read C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity every 18 months or so. It is provocative and cheeky and I love it.
89. There are probably few people who appreciate being warm like I do.
90. I have little patience with a computer that thinks slower than I do.
91. Other than the piano, my favorite instrument to listen to is the cello and I wish I could play it.
92. If I could have one super power, I would be the ability to teleport myself to where I wanted to be at the time. If I could do it with a nose wiggle like Sam on Bewitched that would be okay too, but not with the head-nod-blink combination like Jeannie – I thought it made her seem stupid.
93. If I couldn’t have that super power, I would love to have a photographic memory (think about how fast I could get through books then!!!)
94. There are very, very few movies based on books that I like. In most cases, if I liked the movie, it was probably because I didn’t read the book first.
95. I would love to live for a year or two or three in England. If I had to be from a country other than America, it would be England.
96. Within the first six months that I was married, I sat down with my husband, back to back and no peeking and we sketched out our dream homes. They were almost identical.
97. If I ever get to create a world, I plan on giving humans huge angel wings.
98. I’m typically only a night person if I’m playing video games with my husband. Watching movies late at night usually ends up with me doing a careful examination of the back of my eyelids.
99. My husband’s kiss can still take my breath away and make me weak in the knees.
100. I consider myself extraordinarily lucky and happy.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Role of Fashion
Then it gets warm.
It gets harder to hide trouble spots and not sweat to death, even for me.
Then I read this post from Charlotte and watch maybe a few too many episodes of What Not To Wear and I'm second guessing everything. During the summer I fit the description of "Soccer Mom" more than "Mom on the go" and would like to be fashionable, but appropriately so, considering I spend time at ball fields and pools.
Last year, I managed to destroy all but one pair of my capris. I'm trying to decide if I should buy more capris (as looking short has NEVER been an issue for me) or if I should go more with walking shorts and fun summer dresses and skirts.
Then, what sandals do I get. Because, according to all who are fashion conscious know that the flip flop is not an adult shoe. But I have bunions on my feet, and many of the sandals that are out seem to either not really fit or make me foot aware in a bad way. And some of the Roman style sandals I will put on and feel like my feet are naked - maybe that is good, you know, to have seductive feet...Just add a little pop of color on the toes, and my feet are ready for a wild night out???
What's a girl to do???
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Random Stuff
Today is Sunday again. I used to really look forward to Sundays, the chance to engage in spiritually intellectual conversation in Gospel Doctrine classes, to feel the Spirit in Relief Society, which took me about three full years to finally feel welcome. Now, I play the piano for three hours every Sunday. I'm the choir accompanist and primary accompanist and so I play for most of the day. I really try to look at this as an opportunity to serve, to share my talents that have been given to me and be grateful, but I really feel like, after being the choir accompanist for three years and doing double piano duty for six months now, that I'm sure there is something to learn, something that will be gratifying in the future, but, for now, Sundays are just the day I play the piano. It's a bit frustrating...not sure how to change that. Hmmmm.......
Three more weeks until school is out. I'm ready. My students are ready. My colleagues are ready. Have to plan fun activities or I'm going to lose my students. I think we are going to do a word game day soon. :)
Here's to the first week of May!!!