Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spell Check is NOT your friend

As most of you may know, I'm an English teacher. As such, I am in a position to read LOTS of papers and have discovered many typos that are not caught by spell check and very much alter the meaning. Sometimes they are just too funny to keep to myself. So, when I find them, I'm going to share them, anonymously of course.

Today's sentence.

"In eighth grade is when I first noticed my tacky cardia."

Hate those mismatched, poorly coordinated hearts...

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

Spell check is too my friend, it's just a funny one. I love this stuff. Ben gets crazy things all the time with the answers his students give to science questions.

It's amazing what you don't notice in your own paper, but you'll pick up in someone else's. Do you encourage them to read it out loud BEFORE they turn it in? I still do that with all of my papers.