That's not what the book is about at all. I was hooked from the beginning - I love the stories where couples still snuggle in bed regardless of the number of years they have been married. I love that their kids weren't the little angels with their glowing halos. Faults makes the characters real and these characters were real and lovable at the same time but each for different reasons.
I'm glad that I read this book. It truly outlines what romance is - hint - it isn't moonlit walks on the beach or having over-the-top dates every celebration. :)
I'm really becoming a huge fan of Jason Wright. I love his writing style. I wasn't sure at first, I think I've mentioned that in both of the reviews of his books, but his writing is engaging, enjoyable and feel good without being disgusting. Enoch got The Christmas Sweater for his birthday and I know that Jason had some help in writing that. I have a list of books I'm trying to get through, but I'm definitely adding that one to the stack. I'm also going to just get Recovering Charles - have hesitated severals times, but since I've loved both the books Wright has written, I'm ready to commit.
This was a really good book.
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